
Why Family Style

We believe God had an original design for families and that this design was his good and perfect plan. Today families have been distorted and lied to about how life should be. We want to see families return to that original Biblical plan because his ways are better than ours.


I say “we” a lot because I’m aware that I represent my family, and although I’m the face of our pages it is my family that has inspired what I share. Hi, I’m Abby. Wife of an amazing godly man and mother to 4 boys. My priorities are to my savior first and foremost and then to my family and community. That community has grown over the years. As I’ve seen Christians struggle to understand the value of homeschooling I’ve become passionate about sharing the benefits and biblical components of this style of education. Eventually I hope that our topics will expand more into family ministries but as we are currently learning and growing I tend to share the most about homeschooling.

“Teach us to number our days, that we may gain a heart of wisdom.”

— Psalm 90:12

Final Thoughts

We have been blessed to raise God’s children for a limited amount of time. Don’t give that time and responsibility away.

I’m Abby

Here you can find links to everything Family Style. Please be patient as I’m currently developing this site. If you have any questions don’t hesitate to send an email at familystylerevival@gmail.com

Let’s connect