Recommended Resources

This page is a work in progress but for now let me introduce you to a couple companies I love working with.

Made2Homeschool is an online community for moms. Unlike conferences that can encourage you once a year M2H is always at your finger tips. There are weekly LIVE workshops and meet-ups, videos, chat rooms, pintables and so much more. This is a safe, private community with no trolls. I love hanging out here and connecting with others.

World Watch News is a family friendly, every weekday, 10 minute biblical worldview of current events. Our family loves this supper affordable subscription. I truly believe this should be part of every families daily rhythm.

F.O.R.M. Health and fitness from a Christian perspective. Get 36 modules, each containing an 8-12 minute and followed with movement videos that teach your children life long functional fitness. Get 15% off with code: FAMILYSTYLELEARNING

Generations is a new developing curriculum that includes God in every subject. I have been incredible impressed with everything we have used so far. You can find several reviews on my channel and I will have more coming up. Go check them out yourself.

All About Spelling: Were you told “that’s just the way it is, you just have to memorize it” turns out there are reasons words are spelled the way they are, you were just never taught the rules. I will not waver on this curriculum. It has been key not only in my kids spelling but also in teaching them to read. I’m so thankful for AAS!

Gather Round Homeschool Unit Studies: This is usually the spine of what we are learning as a family. Choose a topic you are interested in learning more about and then spend 20 lessons diving into that subject. The beauty is you can use it just as your History or Science but if you get the workbooks you can cover all your subjects with the exception of math. Extremely flexible and good for grades K-12.

Go Global: If you’re just getting started with one or have a couple of children in the 4-8 year range this is a great curriculum to check out. Travel the world through literature and movement rich activities. Check out my video review to learn more.

Five in a Row: Another literature rich curriculum for the beginner years, this curriculum will have you read the same picture book five days in a row and give you suggestions on how to integrate different subjects through what you are learning. This is a curriculum I recommend to moms who want something other than the traditional method but aren’t sure how to get started. This will help moms learn how to apply learning to every aspect of life.

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I’m Abby

Here you can find links to everything Family Style. Please be patient as I’m currently developing this site. If you have any questions don’t hesitate to send an email at

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